You are worthy of healing.

Therapy for Women of Color in Florida.

Sometimes you just need someone who gets it.

Someone who knows what it's like to wrestle with the expectations of your family and culture. Someone who understands the burdens you're carrying all alone. Someone who can give you resources that actually fit your situation, versus something generic that would never work in your world.

It's time to give yourself the support that you're so quick to give to everyone else.

Take some time to meet your own needs.

How Therapy Works

You know yourself better than anyone else ever could, but having an outside perspective can help you see things in a new light!

Maybe you're someone who has always planned out everything you want to work towards. You've put in all the long hours, sweat, and tears, yet something feels off. Let's explore that! Maybe it isn't living up to your expectations. Or parts of who you are got lost on the journey to where you are today.

I love helping women of color find freedom in who they are at their core. I can help you sit with your emotions to fully understand the root of what you're experiencing. I help women rediscover their likes and dislikes, and find renewed confidence in their identities.

I specialize in helping women of color celebrate who they are despite what the world tries to tell them. In helping them navigate their emotions in a space without judgment that is safe and authentic. To help them experience breakthroughs and healing from the hardships that get thrown at them whether they be emotional, physical, or spiritual.

Together we can get to the root of what you're experiencing. We can explore how your culture has shaped you into who you are for better or worse. So that you can find healing and move forward to your full potential.

How Therapy for Women of Color Can Help You

Therapy for Women of Color Can Help You:

  • Learn skills to help you manage your emotions.

  • Develop a stronger sense of identity.

  • Discover how old pains and traumas can still be impacting you today.

  • Work on making yourself a priority and become more attuned to your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions About Therapy for Women of Color

Please reach to me at if you cannot find an answer to your questions.

  • Although therapy is meant to be preventative, most people don't start until they're already struggling. If you're finding yourself repeatedly wrestling with the same things, aspects of your life are being negatively affected, your quality of life is rapidly decreasing, or you feel like you've lost control of your life, it is likely a sign to reach out for therapy.

  • Sometimes the techniques and theories that are popular in therapy weren't created with us in mind. By being a therapist of color, I can make adjustments and find resources that better fit your cultural dynamics! You can have more confidence that I can relate to more of the experiences and expectations that you grew up with.

  • This can vary from person to person. I recommend doing at least 3 months of weekly sessions and then re-evaluating whether your goals are being met, or if progress is being made.

    Some clients may see improvements after just a few sessions, while others may require longer-term therapy.

  • Weekly sessions for at least the first 3 months. After that, we can reassess what would be best for you.

    Biweekly or once a month sessions are not available for new clients.

  • Finding someone that you can afford, and accepting new clients is just the first step. Not every therapist will be the right fit for you. Check out my blog "6 Signs You've Found The Right Therapist" for things to look out for during your search.

  • Book a consultation call with me! We can see if we're the right fit for each other and if we are, we'll get you scheduled to start sessions! Book a session here!

“We must reject not only the stereotypes that others hold of us, but also the stereotypes that we hold of ourselves.”

Shirley Chisholm